Davenport desk

A Davenport desk is a small desk with a sloping lifting desktop attached with hinges to the back of the desk. Inside the lifting top there is a large storage compartment used for storing paper and other writing equipment as well as pigeonholes and small drawers.

A stack of side drawers holds up the back of the desk and takes most of the weight, whilst the front of the desk stands on often highly carved thick legs or pillars. 19th century Davenport desks come with a variety of leg designs.

Overall the desk appears like an antique school desk sat on top of half a pedestal desk turned sideways and the overall design is rather odd looking. It owes its name to Captain Davenport who was the first to commission this specific design of desk from Gillows of Lancaster at the end of the the 18th century.

They became very popular during the 19th century and many reproductions continue to be made, being regarded as an interesting project for cabinet makers.

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